Day 102 – November 10, 2014

I love to be a support system for the people I love. I absolutely love it. It brings me joy and peace and fulfillment like few other things do or ever could. That, of course, is not to say that I am always the best at it, but I do love it. If the people in my life are passionate about something, I want to help them with whatever it is. I will stand on the street corner, shout it from the roof top…whatever it takes. I will jump at each and every opportunity to promote them, because I believe in them. What’s more – I will jump at the opportunity to pray for them. And not just a humble “If it be thy will” sort of prayer either. I mean, yes…there is always the “Thy Will” disclaimer. But I really have no problem asking the Lord to give my friends and family blessings upon blessings. Prosperity, joy, success, financial freedom…nothing is too good for my loved ones.

So why is it too good for me? When it comes to projects I am passionate about, and that I believe in, I feel horrible promoting myself! Just horrible. Yes, I know I shouldn’t. But I do. I meekly and timidly ask people to buy my books, but inside I feel like I should just be giving them away. And then I feel honored if they actually read something I wrote. I should just beg people to read the books, and send them a Thank You card when they do. And when it comes to praying? Lord, I’ll thank you kindly and feel immensely blessed if I can avoid losing too much money on this whole endeavor. If it be thy will.

We humans are funny creatures, aren’t we?

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